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3 things I’m grateful for today:
– My grandma is 92 today. This is our old picture where I’m apparently not too happy. I bet I was just cold despite being bundled up. That gene that Russian people supposedly have to tolerate the cold – I’m missing it. I make the exact same face when I’m cold now. I like balance, in weather too. Grandma was one tough cookie though (still is actually), she comes from an old Russian area near the river Volga and has survived a great famine there in the 1920-30s when she was just a child. She is also a WWII vet, was a military nurse during the war working on a mobile (train) hospital, which is where she met my grandfather who was a military surgeon (he is long gone unfortunately). Together they went through most of Europe on that mobile hospital, then grandma had to return home because my mom was born in September of 1945, just before grandma’s birthday. My grandfather continued on to Berlin and served there after the war was officially over, he often treated both the Russian military personnel and regular German families (he was a doctor “without borders”). He was later transferred to Austria and served there for another couple of years. When he finally returned home and saw my mom for the first time, she was already 3 years old. Times were still tough in the post-war Soviet Union, my mom herself had to survive a “hungry childhood”, grandma continued working as a nurse (till she retired) supporting my mom alone as my grandfather was living and working in a different city then. I was raised and nurtured by two strong September-born Virgo women (for whom I’m an only child and an only grandchild) who were all about hard work and getting the job done without complaining, but among that “toughness”, I’ve had so much love that I’d have never been the person I’m today without them two. Now, why were they “gifted” with my “ebb and flow, march to my own drum, square peg in a world of round holes” Scorpio self – is beyond me! Happy Birthday, Grandma, love you!
– It’s the Fall Equinox today, that perfect balance between day and night, warmth and coolness, loss and hope, old and new… Make a wish today for whatever in your life needs balance and readjustment, you’ll get an insight on how to proceed or what to adjust…
– I’m teary and all emotional before tomorrow’s big “yay or nay” hospital visit… But whatever it is, I know my spirit will not be broken…
Filed under: "Soul Food", General Tagged: balance, birthday, Breast cancer, Cancer, emotions, Fall equinox, grandfather, Grandmother, grandparents, gratitude, hope, loss, love, medicine, memories, mobile hospital, nurse, Scorpio, September, surgeon, Virgo, WWII Image may be NSFW.
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